Sunday, January 23, 2011


There is no evidence in Neuro Science to disprove the existence of soul.

I explain why there is no evidence in Neuro Science to disprove the existence of soul. Scientists also can't find any direct evidence in Neuro Science. .

(1)All Scientific concepts are based on evidences. The Neuro Scientists disprove the existence of soul since they could not find any evidence in Neuro Science. But our own self needs no evidence. Soul is a name given to our own existence. So no body can disprove the existence of soul which is our own existence.

(2)The sages lived long ago cultivated a healthy body, purified their mind and explored their own self through meditation and found the truth of atman or soul. Now the Neuro Scientists who used to see things in the labs wanted to look soul ( their own existence) in the brain and out side.
How can it be possible?

(3) Neuro Scientists could not understood the function of the brain completely. They do not have a clear understanding of the brain. They are unable to explain how a sensation is arising by brain process. So how can they deny the existence of soul? There are many neural diseases Neuro Scientists do not know the cause and complete cure.

(4)Neuro Scientists deny the existence of soul. But they say self is the by product of brain process. It means that I am a byproduct like a soap produced in a factory. This is a misconception and wrong explanation.

(5)Neuro Scientists want to find the soul in the brain. We see the brain through our eyes. Seeing the brain is a sense of perception. Soul is the perceiver. So how can they find the perceiver in the perception?
This is their mistake. That is why they deny the existence of soul.

Soul is unknown. Because our memory consists only known things. It is the nature of the human mind when it thinks soul it projects images or creates mental pictures of soul from the memory. The images or mental pictures are not the real things. The images are illusions. So they say soul is illusion and deny it.

(6) The only evidence presented by the Neuro Scientists to disprove the existence of soul is the effects of damaged brains on mind or on experiences. They argue that damages in the brains alter the mind(experiences) and therefore soul doesn't exist. I t is true that brain damages alter the experiences or cause loss of experiences. This is not a big discovery in Neuro Science to deny soul.This is the very serious mistake of the Neuro Scientists that they identify the mind as
soul since they are unable to differentiate the mind and soul or expeiences and Expriencer. Mind and soul (experiencer or real self) are different things. Mind is the reflection of experiences Soul is the Experiencer of all experiences. So damage brain alters the mind(experiences). It has nothing to do with the soul. So the argument supported by damaged brain is false.

When I eat an apple I get the taste sensation of apple.When the apple is removed from my mouth I lose the experience of taste.Does it means that I am apple? Does it mean that I am also lost? If I eat a damaged apple I will get a distorted taste sensation. Similarly if the brain
area responsible for taste sensation is damaged we lose the experience of taste or we will feel a distorted experience of taste.So it is true that brain is also responsible for the arising of experiences. Really experiences changes or ceases when the brain is damaged.But it has
nothing to do with soul.

Neuro Scientists only very recently started to study consciousness. But very long ago Indian sages explored their own self and explained every thing very well. Now Neuro Scientists
want to disprove the truths found by them without knowing the reality of all existences.

Science needs evidence for every thing. Science can not go beyond evidences. So Scientific
knowledge is limited.But even Science is unable to provide evidence for many things. There is no direct evidence for evolution, origin of all existences, big bang etc.There are many things beyond evidences.When I experience the sensation of hungry I can not prove it with evidence.It is a direct experiencing. Soul or atman is a name given to our own self for the purpose of explanation. Our own existence is soul.Do any one deny their own existence? Many people have the trouble with the name. All sensations are arising as a result of brain process.But the soul or
real self or atman or X is the experiencer of all sensations. X is not the brain.

What am I? Because this I is going to die which is a very serious problem.So I should know what am I? Direct seeing needs no evidence. Scientists need evidence for every thing. Science can't go beyond evidences. So Scientific knowledge is always limited.

The truths found by the sages are not assumptions or beliefs.They did not assume anything. They have explained every thing. Neuro Scientists want to erode the truths without
knowing the reality of all existence.It is a great thing if they could erode the human sufferings and pain. Then no need to have any beliefs.

We are all human beings.Whether we believe soul or not we all want to exist and want to continue to exist and do not want to die and do not want to suffer. So sorrow of death is a big
problem to all human beings. To end sorrow we should understand our own self.
Unless we end sorrow we cannot have the real peace.

There is immense suffering in this world of existence.Sorrow of death and suffering of severe pain are two major problems which Science has so far failed to find solution. In this world there are many eminent Scientists,. Psychologists and Philosophers yet these problems continue without being solved. Whether we believe in God or not whether we believe in soul or not whether we are illusion or real whether we are the by product of neural activity of brain or something more we all want to exist and do not want to die or to suffer. So it is a common problem to mankind.Soul is not the problem. Sorrow of death is the basic problem. Can Neuro Science solve the basic problem of sorrow of death than trying to disprove the existence of soul?

A.Sriskandarajah Email